Shadowrun free fall specialty static line
Shadowrun free fall specialty static line

shadowrun free fall specialty static line

Kyle Shepherd B o o k k eeper Valya Mkrtchyan Mihail Spil-Haufter Marcin Tomalak Chris Webb LiXin Yin L o g istics M a n a g er Peter Grochulski V ide o C o n te n t P ro d u cer Steve Daldry C u st o mer S erv ice Lloyd Gyan O f f ice M a n a g er Victor Hugo Harmatiuk Joel Chaim Holtzman Ramazan Kazaliev Burak Kirk AndersonĮ diti n g a n d P ro o f re a di n g Keith Garrett Tim GrayĬhris Birch C h ie f O per ati o n s O f f icer Rita Birch M a n a g i n g D irect o r Cameron Dicks H e a d o f P ro d u ct Sam Webb H e a d o f C re ati v e S erv ices Jon Webb T ec h n ic a l A d v ice Brian Herbert Kimberly Herbert Byron Merritt Kevin J. Richard August Simon Berman Banana Chan Jason DurallĪndrew Peregrine Hilary Sklar Chris SpiveyĪndrew Peregrine B r a n d M a n a g eme n t Joe LeFavi for Genuine Entertainment All Rights Reserved., except the Modiphius Logo which is Modiphius Entertainment Ltd.ĭ U N E | A DV E N T U R E S I N T H E I M P E R I U MĬREDITS L e a d D esi g n er Nathan Dowdell W riters Dune: Adventures in the Imperium is an officially sub-licensed property from Gale Force Nine, a Battlefront Group Company. Any similarity with actual people and events, past or present, is purely coincidental and unintentional except for those people and events described in an historical context. Any trademarked names are used in a fictional manner no infringement is intended. Any unauthorised use of copyrighted material is illegal. All 2d20 system text is copyright Modiphius Entertainment Ltd. 2nd Floor, 39 Harwood Rd, London SW6 4QP, United Kingdom The 2d20 system and Modiphius Logos are copyright Modiphius Entertainment Ltd.

Shadowrun free fall specialty static line